Roaming Hunger

Bleu Moon Food Truck

Food TruckFood Truck
LocationRaleigh-Durham, NC
8+ Years on Roaming Hunger

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About Bleu Moon Food Truck

Bleu Moon serves Raleigh BBQ, they’re keeping it real simple for you there. But simple is never just simple. Especially not when it’s done like this. Racks of ribs drip sauce to the left and drip themselves off the bone to the right, while the pulled pork does Carolina proud by tasting very Carolina. Specials on the truck also rotate daily, but never rotate far from being classically American, classically Southern and classically NC through and through. Hit ‘em up and see your own state through fresh lenses. Before ruining those lenses with a whole bunch of sauce, naturally. It’s simply the Carolina way.

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Food Truck