Roaming Hunger

True Baristas Coffee

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About True Baristas Coffee

You're not likely to find a coffee truck quite like True Baristas Coffee anywhere but in Miami. This reimagined, vintage 1965 Citröen is the embodiment of good taste, not just in their strong appreciation for Frank Sinatra (the truck's name is Frank) but also in their impeccable focus on the perfect cup of coffee.

True Baristas Coffee incorporates their special house blend of Panama beans in each cup, from classic cold brew to signature Caffé Bombón (a double espresso over sweetened, condensed milk, topped with whipped cream). Ready to complement a cup with delicious tasty eats, True Baristas Coffee offers a tasty selection of morsels from savory chicken empanadas to sweet red velvet cookies.

When you need the perfect morning pick-me-up, forget the moon. Fly yourself to True Baristas Coffee for a touch of class with your caffeine, wherever there's a need in the Magic City.

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